News 001

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When you visit Hobart, you just have to ride the mountain!

When we re-opened our business after the COVID lockdown, we launched a new guided bike tour on Hobart’s Mt Wellington. We designed the tour hoping it would appeal to people with little or no off-road riding experience; giving them a taste of the thrill of riding through Tasmania’s amazing natural environment.

Almost two years have passed since, and we’re delighted to report that the tour has exceeded our expectations.

It’s been very humbling to hear how much fun and joy this bike ride on Mt Wellington has given them.

“...amazing experience”

“...highlight of our holiday”

“...thrilling ride.”

If you, or someone you know, are visiting Hobart, and would love this bike experience, please let them know to contact us or visit our website.

The tour is called kunanyi / Mt Wellington Summit Descent & Rainforest Adventure Ride.

Make Tassie your next MTB holiday!

Now’s the time to be planning your mountain bike holiday in Tasmania.

If you’d like to make the planning and logistics as stress-free as possible, at the same time ensuring you’re maximising the fun factor, get in touch with us.

Engaging the services of a local operator like us, means you benefit from our knowledge and expertise in running and delivering amazing MTB experiences.

Bike Park re-launch for Greater Hobart

Riding in the Greater Hobart region is shortly to receive a huge boost. In August/Sepetember we are expecting the re-opening of the Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park, which is just 20 mins drive from Hobart City.

Trail builders from Dirt Art have been hard at work for the last 3 months giving the bike park a complete makeover.

Back in the day, Glenorchy was one of the first purpose-built MTB facilities in Australia. We can’t wait to ride the fresh lines, berms, jumps, drops, and rollers.

Glenorchy MTB Park is located at the end of one of Tasmania’s most iconic adventure trails, the North-South Track. So, after completing the 11 km trail, traversing the east face of kunanyi / Mt Wellington, riders will get to enjoy the better-than-ever trails at Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park.

Next time you’re visiting Hobart, ask us about riding the North-South Track into Glenorchy.